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You didn’t start your business to sell, but if Private Equity wants it, you can take some chips off the table.
Right now, Private equity firms have more than
$2 Trillion to invest in businesses and talent.
Are you an entrepreneur, management team member or senior executive?
If so, now more than ever, you need to know how Private Equity can benefit you and your team’s career, personal growth & prospects for realizing your vision with greater speed and certainty.
Private equity seeks to buy the best.
Private Equity seeks to buy businesses with the best leadership, management team, culture, customer satisfaction and vision. While you didn’t start your business to sell it, if private equity wants to buy it, you‘ve created something of significance. This program will teach you what private equity knows about building a valuable business and what private equity executives look for in every business they buy or invest in. What they look for in executives they choose to partner with to build their portfolio companies. And since private equity firms buy more businesses than any other source-remember 'optionality' - keep your options open and build one that gets their attention.
There are a number of reasons why someone starts a business...
This course will answer these 12 critical questions:
1. Why must I understand private equity?
2. What are the essentials, what must I know?
3. What language does the private equity executive speak?
4. What are the key motivations of the private equity executive.
5. How can private equity help me build a nine-figure business?
6. What are the 7 essentials that PE looks for in every business they buy?
7. What is my first step and what is the role of the investment banker?
8. How much is my company worth? What questions must I ask?
9. What does the process look like to get a deal done?
10. How will my team benefit from working with private equity?
11. How can I work with PE to generate the greatest return of my life?
12. What additional resources are available to help ensure I can build a business that private equity wants to buy?
Program preview
Are you a Fortune 1000 executive who has always been intrigued by the idea of going from an employee to an entrepreneur?
Learn how to partner with private equity to stretch your entrepreneurial instincts.
When we talk to top executives we hear a common theme, 'we add more value than we receive'. Elite executives, at the director level and above working for a Fortune 1000 or similar company want more financial upside and professional growth. Yet the idea of joining a start-up or quitting their job to venture out on their own caries with it unneeded risk. If you are one such executive, consider a hybrid - working in partnership with a private equity firm to build a business that others yearn to buy. If this is of interest, you must learn about private equity and build a brand for yourself so that private equity executives want to partner with you. So they seek you out. If this is of interest, this class has the answers.
Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins is an entrepreneur, #1 NY Times best-selling author, philanthropist, and the nation’s #1 life and business strategist. For more than 4 decades, more than 50 million people have enjoyed the transformational power of his business and personal development events. Tony is also a co-founder of Robbins Martin Capital where he brings strategies and insights culminating from decades of modeling the most successful entrepreneurs in existence and consulting with and coaching more than three million people.

Brian F. Martin
Brian F. Martin started a business part time with $500 while he had his corporate day job. Within 6 years he and his team sold it twice to private equity for more than a quarter billion dollars. Afterwards, he built and sold several more businesses – all to private equity. Now, Brian, co-founder of Robbins Martin, a private equity firm where he invests in entrepreneurs and management teams helping them build businesses that private equity and others want to buy.

What is the refund policy?
Please note that you may cancel within the first seven (7) days of initial purchase for a full refund, provided you have not viewed more than 50% of an individual course. If you cancel after seven days, or after viewing more than 50% of an individual course, you will not be eligible for a refund
Are there any ongoing charges? Is this a subscription?
No, there are no recurring charges. A purchase provides you six months of unlimited access to the course.
How long do I have to complete each course?
You will have unlimited access the course and associated materials for up to six months post-purchase.
Can I earn a badge for completion?
Yes, upon completion of the course you will be sent a badge.